Thursday, July 9, 2015

Dying Light

Released: 01/07/2015 Platforms:Xbox One, PS4, PC
Story: Harran, A booming city gearing up for its time in the spotlight, gets it just not in they way anyone would have hoped. It finds itself the epicenter of a massive zombie outbreak and is quarantined from the rest of the world with only precious few airdrops for the survivors trapped within. You play as Kyle Crane whose been sent in to find a rouge politician. However you find yourself torn between getting your mission done or helping the survivors you encounter along the way.

Gameplay: In a sentence? A really polished Dead island meets Mirrors edge. To go beyond that though, the game does a great job at making you feel the danger of the zombies. Early in the game you generally want to make more use of your movement(The developers worked on a "Run,Bitch,Run!" mentality) than your combat. Even the most skilled players would have trouble fighting a horde at the games outset. Not to mention the Night(Think Chiraq but, like, only filled with Kenyans). At night the zombies become stronger and more aggressive.

What they did well:

Movement: Man, this is something so central to the game it could've made or broke the game thankfully it was the former. It wasn't just something necessary or forced it was actually pretty fun running around for your life at night. Later in the game your free running is made better with a grappling hook(and wingsuit should you be inclined to get it via Easter egg).

Challenge: I mentioned above but for a bulk of the game combat with anything is difficult. Not to the point of frustration but to the point where it was engaging(Wow a zombie game where your not just steamrolling?!? yes its true). You really had to focus on where you were hitting to get the job done effectively

Combat: Following up on that The melee weapons were great but you had to aim for the head to be truly effective(or aim for the balls while you got your ass whipped). Guns weren't something you found until much later in the game barring the odd pistol.

Easter Eggs: The amount of Easter eggs in this game is great Be it referencing other games like Mario or LoZ, or just one offs like the sword in the stone there's plenty of cool things to come across in the game.

What could have been better:

Story: The story could be interesting and draw you in at some points but, would randomly be alienating at others. And Rais, the main villain was just a weak character his motives weren't all that grand for how much evil he did.
Overall : 8/10

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