Friday, February 14, 2014

Dark Souls

Yeah so its been a while now huh? I figured I'd write an impromptu review to get back in the swing of things. So I'll Be glancing over a few things. I've chosen Dark Souls just for a couple of reasons. First off its sequel is quickly approaching. Secondly Its one of the game I have incredibly mixed opinions on. That said I rarely do reviews with games I haven't finished but i'll make an exception as I don't see that happening anytime soon. That's me saying expect a more biased than usual review

Now without further ado..
Release:October 4, 2011 Platforms: Xbox 360, PS3, PC.

Gameplay: Dark souls is known for being difficult and unforgiving punishing the player for small mistakes. There are a few thing within the games combat system that make it stand out from the pack, including the Parry and backstab. Dark Souls parry relies on many variables, including stats and weapons, and most importantly timing.

Graphics: Despite coming out nearly 3 years ago it still remains one of the more impressive titles of the last gen graphically

What they did well: Combat, Story, Graphics, Sun Praising.

What could have been better: 
Controls: While by no means awful, they do seem to feel a little off. I honestly can't pinpoint what feels so strange about it. (Perhaps its just unconventional and I'm the one who needs to adjust?)

Framerate: Those graphics are great but sometimes they push the console a little too hard.(Looking at you lagtown)

Online functionality: Hope and pray you don't want to play with a friend and not deal with PvP in the process. Dark souls favorite past time is jamming its crummy connectivity down players throats. The Co-op and PvP(Invasions) really should be separated so that player can invite(and through the dashboard as well) their friends without opening their world to the public.

World: Dark souls has a deep back story and Beautiful world, the game does its best to hide it though. Whats worse is it's friendly inhabitants have less personality than its enemies(and cardboard) which really hinders immersion. More literally the way the world is presented is a little lackluster, the games map is pretty damn big, but its literally delivered in a series of continuous hallways. Calling it "open world" isn't really accurate.

Overall : 7/10

And there you have it. I can't deny its a good game, However I can't get myself to want to play it anymore or when I do I can't enjoy playing it. The game does a good job of making nearly every NPC unlikable. Whats my motivation for saving the world when everyone including the main character is disposable? Like seriously Borderlands 1 had more endearing NPCs. Maybe I'm just missing something?

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